Tag: iron sculpture
Tomb Nelson and the Stillwater Hobos perform a spirited medley
Alex Travers shares a little rainy day Bach
Abby the Spoon Lady and Banjo Ben perform “Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss”
Abby the Spoon Lady and Ben Shirley perform “Li’l Liza Jane”
Caster covers “I Wan’na Be Like You (The Monkey Song)”
Will and Clarence cover “Who Gonna Love You Tonight?”
I was walking back from filming the Asheville Holiday Parade on a surprisingly warm November day, when I saw two guys setting up in front of the Iron Sculpture. Both were dressed as if it was a good ten degrees cooler than it was, and putting on a great show of being barely interested in the tip-bearing crowd passing by. They’d clearly spend some time developing their old-time musician personas, from Dust Bowl-hinting clothing to their practiced, skeptically detatched drawls. Continue reading Will and Clarence cover “Who Gonna Love You Tonight?”
Anna Trevor puts a cello spin on “Old Joe Clark”
In this video, Anna Trevor performs the traditional mountain ballad “Old Joe Clark.” Continue reading Anna Trevor puts a cello spin on “Old Joe Clark”
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