Banjo Ben and Abby the Spoon Lady, enjoying the busking life in Asheville, NC.Here’s an experiment: Take two standard metal soup spoons. Turn them so that the curved bottoms are facing each other, and place them between your fingers like chopsticks. Now, try to clack them in time with any moderately paced song. It should take you about 45 seconds to begin to appreciate just how good Abby the Spoon Lady is at her profession, and you haven’t even done any of the hard stuff yet. Continue reading Abby the Spoon Lady and Banjo Ben perform “Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss”
Banjo Ben and Abby the Spoon Lady playing in downtown Asheville.This video of traveling buskers Abby the Spoon Lady (one of the few professional musical spoon players in the country) and Ben Shirley is arguably the most popular thing ever filmed for Busk Break. It’s not because they’re playing some ironic cover of an ’90s hit or something. (Unless you mean 1890s, perhaps.) It’s because they’re both stunningly talented. Or, if you want believe Abby’s take, it’s like 35 people watching the video 1,000 times each to learn how to play the spoons. Continue reading Abby the Spoon Lady and Ben Shirley perform “Li’l Liza Jane”
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